A quick and easy guide to formal french

French business

Give your French business a chance: turn your school French into formal french

If you’ve read my “Business in France” pages, you now know that making an effort towards speaking some of your French contact’s language will go a long way to making or breaking the deal. I’ve compiled a list of expression that will sound slightly more formal than your school French. Don’t feel overwhelmed by the words: whilst remembering any of these may get you some brownie points, the simple fact that you’re trying will undoubtedly be appreciated.

Add “Monsieur” (Sir) or “Madame” (Madam) to your greetings for an instant touch of formality

“Bonjour Madame”

“Bonjour Monsieur”

If this is your first meeting, or if you’ve just been introduced to someone new, simply say:

“Enchanté” (Nice to meet you).

If you’ve met before, you may add something along the lines of “How are you?”

“Vous allez bien ?”

or, if you know each other well, the more casual

“Ça va?”

Formalise your “Thank you”:

Rather than “Merci”, try “Je vous remercie”.

To take your leave and wish them a good day

“Je vous souhaite une bonne journée”.

And you may also add:

“À bientôt”. (See you soon)

Stay away from your school days clichés (the only people I have ever heard pronounce the word “Sacrebleu” in my lifetime were either English or senile), and you’ll be on your way to a decent business conversation.
